General Terms and Conditions

A. General provisions

1. Scope of Application, Exclusion of Deviating Terms

1.1 These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter “GTC”) govern the contractual relationship between Nodety GmbH, Leopoldstr. 175, 80804 Munich, Germany (hereinafter “Nodety”) and the respective users (hereinafter “User”) who use the Nodety software (hereinafter “Application”) and the services of Nodety associated with the Application (hereinafter Application and other services collectively “Services”).

1.2 In addition, the privacy policy applies (available at:

1.3 The validity of general contractual or business terms and conditions of Users is expressly excluded. This shall also apply if Nodety has not expressly objected to the User’s terms and conditions and/or provides Services without objection.

2. Subject matter of the contract

2.1 The subject of these GTC are

a. the provision of the Application in its current version for the use of its functionalities and the booking of further subscriptions in accordance with the provisions under Section B;

b. the provision of the Nodety Marketplace for the sale and purchase of licenses for Asset Apps created in the Application in accordance with the provisions under Sections C and D;

c. the provision of the Nodety API Service, for the conversion of files into agreed file formats via an interface to the Application in accordance with the provisions under Section E;

d. the provision of further Services on a contingent basis in accordance with the provisions under Section F.

3. Right of Use

3.1 Only natural persons and legal entities with unlimited legal capacity are permitted to use the Services. The Users have to use the Services in their own name and for their own account. The contract for the Services as a legal entity may only be concluded by persons who act as legal representatives or other authorized persons of the legal entity on its behalf and at its request. Nodety shall request additional documents (e.g. power of attorney, written permission, etc.) from the User to verify the authorization in accordance with the above sentence.

3.2 Some Services require certain qualifications or conditions by the User. Nodety is entitled to check these qualifications and conditions and will request further documents from the User for verification if necessary. If the qualifications or conditions required for the respective Service are not met, Nodety reserves the right to assert claims for damages and to charge additional remuneration.

3.3 The data requested when concluding a contract must be provided completely and truthfully. If the data subsequently changes, the User is obliged to update the information immediately. The User must confirm the data at Nodety’s request.

3.1. Users understand that the technical processing and transmission of Clients’ Electronic Communications is fundamentally necessary to Users’ use of the Services. Users expressly consent to Nodety’s interception and storage of Electronic Communications and/or User Data, and Clients acknowledge and understand that Clients’ Electronic Communications will involve transmission over the internet, and over various networks, only part of which may be owned and/or operated by Nodety. Users acknowledge and understand that changes to Clients’ Electronic Communications may occur in order to conform and adapt such data to the technical requirements of connecting networks or devices. Users further understand that Electronic Communications may be accessed by unauthorized parties when communicated across the internet, network communications facilities, telephone, or other electronic means. Users agree that Nodety is not responsible for any Electronic Communications and/or User Data which are lost, altered, intercepted or stored without authorizations during the transmission of any data whatsoever across networks not owned and/or operated by Nodety.

4. Pre-release Version

4.1 Nodety offers Users the opportunity to use new functionalities as part of pre-release versions within the Services. Nodety expressly draws Users’ attention to the fact that the pre-release versions are new functionalities at an early stage of development and may contain serious errors and defects.

4.2 Nodety reserves the right to discontinue the pre-release versions at any time and to irretrievably delete data used and inserted under pre-release versions. Users are hereby advised to back up projects, files and other content created under pre-release versions separately.

5. Prices and Terms of Payment

6.1. All prices stated are total prices excluding any state or local tax.

5.1 If use exceeds the scope of the booked Services or if the User does not, no longer or does not completely fulfill the qualifications and conditions of a Service (hereinafter jointly referred to as “Overuse”), the User shall pay the remuneration corresponding to their use, qualification and the conditions of the Service, including retroactively. Further claims by Nodety in the event of Overuse shall remain unaffected.

5.2 The remuneration owed by the User can only be paid using the payment methods supported by Nodety. The supported payment methods are listed in the booking process. Nodety reserves the right to exclude individual payment methods for selected Users if there are reasonable grounds to fear that the payment will be reversed or canceled or insufficient funds in the bank account to be debited.

6.2. Any and all other costs in connection with the Services, in particular, without limitation, any and all costs for the internet connection or other connection costs, shall be borne by the Users.

6. Usage of the Account, Sanctions and Suspension of the Account

6.1 Users undertake to use the Services in accordance with the state and federal provisions. Users also agree

a. not to make any false statements regarding their data;

b. not to use the Services for racist, discriminatory, pornographic, politically extreme or otherwise unlawful purposes or purposes that violate official regulations or requirements;

c. not to use any content within the Services that violates youth protection laws or criminal laws;

d. not to use any legally protected content without being authorized to do so;

e. not to use any content within the Services that violates copyrights, trademark rights, other intellectual property rights or personal rights;

f. only use content within the Services for which the Users have the necessary rights of use;

g. comply with the restrictions/obligations regarding the booked Service.

6.2 Nodety is entitled to irretrievably delete content and information that violates these GTC or statutory provisions or is otherwise offensive and/or inappropriate. In this respect, Users have no claim to reinstatement of content that has already been deleted. Users agree that Nodety may, with reasonably contemporaneous telephonic or electronic mail notice to Users, suspend Users access to the Services if Nodety reasonably concludes that Users use of the Services is causing immediate and ongoing harm to Nodety or others. Nodety will use commercially reasonable efforts to resolve the issues causing the suspension of the Services. Users agree that Nodety will not be liable to Users or to any third party for any suspension of the Services under such circumstances as described in this Section.

6.3 If Users violate these GTC or any applicable statutory provision, or in the event of another good cause, Nodety is entitled, at its sole discretion, to

a. modify or delete User content and information;

b. temporarily restrict or permanently block the use of the Services or the Account of the User concerned;

c. terminate the contract with the User concerned without notice for good cause.

6.4 Nodety may impose these sanctions without prior notice and without consulting the Users, even against their express will. After imposing sanctions, Nodety will give Users the opportunity to comment and will re-examine the sanctions after receiving a counterstatement.

6.5 After a final ban, there is no entitlement to restoration of the banned Account. As soon as a User has been blocked, this User may not log in with another Account.

7. Obligations of the User

7.1 The User has informed themselves about the essential functional features of the Services and bears the risk as to whether these correspond to their wishes and needs; in case of doubt, the User must seek advice from Nodety employees or expert third-parties before concluding the contract.

7.2 The User is solely responsible for setting up a functional hardware and software environment for the Services that is sufficiently dimensioned, also considering the additional load caused by the Services.

7.3 The User is obliged to report defects in the Services to Nodety immediately. In doing so, the User shall consider Nodety’s instructions for analyzing the problem to the extent reasonable and shall forward to Nodety all information available to them that is necessary for remedying the defect.

7.4 If and insofar as technically possible, the User shall take appropriate precautions if the Services do not work properly in whole or in part, in particular by means of daily data backups, fault diagnosis and regular checks of the data processing results.

7.5 The User shall bear all costs incurred by Nodety due to the fulfillment of the obligations to cooperate as well as additional costs incurred by Nodety due to the (partial) non-fulfillment of the obligations to cooperate.

7.6 Users agree to comply with all applicable local, state, national and foreign laws, treaties, regulations and conventions in connection with their use of the Services, including without limitation those related to data privacy, international communications, and the exportation of technical or personal data. Users will ensure that any use of the Services is in accordance with the terms of this GTC. Users agree to notify Nodety immediately of any unauthorized use of any password or Account or any other known or suspected breach of security or any known or suspected distribution of user data. Users acknowledge and agree that the Services are subject to the U.S. Export Administration Laws and Regulations. Users agree that no part of the Services or information obtained through use of the Services, is being or will be acquired for, shipped, transferred, or re-exported, directly or indirectly, to proscribed or embargoed countries or their nationals, nor be used for nuclear activities, chemical biological weapons, or missile projects unless authorized by the U.S. Government. Proscribed countries are set forth in the U.S. Export Administration Regulations and are subject to change without notice, and Users must comply with the list as it exists in fact.

7.7 Users certify that they are not on the U.S. Department of Commerce's Denied Persons List or affiliated lists or on the U.S. Department of Treasury's Specially Designated Nationals List.

7.8 Users agree to comply strictly with all U.S. export laws and assumes sole responsibility for obtaining licenses to export or re-export as may be required. Any unauthorized use of the Services may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, and communications regulations and statutes. The Services may use encryption technology that is subject to licensing requirements under the U.S. Export Administration Regulations, 15 C.F.R. Parts 730-774 and Council Regulation (EC) No. 1334/2000.

8. Availability and Customization

8.1 Nodety offers the Services subject to availability. Nodety endeavors to always keep the Services accessible. Due to maintenance work, further development or disruptions, the possibilities of use may be restricted or temporarily interrupted. This may also result in loss of data.

8.2 Nodety is entitled to adapt the Services or individual functions of the Services for technical reasons, insofar as this is reasonable for the Users or insofar as this is necessary due to legal provisions.

9. Rights to Suggestions and Feedback

9.1 The User shall grant Nodety a non-exclusive right to use the feedback expressed by the User as well as to suggestions and ideas of the User (hereinafter collectively referred to as “User Suggestions”), unlimited in terms of time, place and content. Nodety is entitled to implement, further develop, publish and make publicly accessible, technically edit, prepare and adapt the User Suggestions within and outside the Services.

9.2 The User warrants that the User is the owner of the rights granted and that it is possible for the User to exercise the rights described in Section 9.1 effectively. The User also guarantees that the User Suggestions do not infringe any third-party rights, in particular trademark, competition, copyright, property or personal rights.

10. Term and Termination

10.1 Nodety may terminate contracts with Users with one month’s notice if

a. Nodety discontinues the relevant Service on the relevant market;

b. a third-party or several third-parties acting in concert acquire all or substantially all, but at least 75% of Nodety’s tangible and intangible assets; or

c. a third-party or several third-parties acting jointly acquire more than 50% of the shares in Nodety (Change of Control).

10.2 Suspension for Delinquent Account

Nodety reserves the right to suspend Users access and/or use of the Services for any Account for which any payment is due but remains unpaid after thirty day’s written notice of such delinquency. Users agree that Nodety shall not be liable to Users, or to any third party, for any suspension of the Services resulting from Users non-payment of the fees.

10.3 Suspension for Ongoing Harm

Users agree that Nodety may, with reasonably contemporaneous telephonic or electronic mail notice to Users, suspend Users access to the Services if Nodety reasonably concludes that Users use of the Services is causing immediate and ongoing harm to Nodety or others. Nodety will use commercially reasonable efforts to resolve the issues causing the suspension of Services. Users agree that Nodety will not be liable to Users or to any third party for any suspension of the Services under such circumstances as described in this Section.

10.4 In the Event of a Breach

Either Party may terminate a contract upon sixty (60) days’ written notice to the other Party in the event of a breach of any material obligation under this GTC, provided that the alleged breach is not cured during the sixty (60) day notice period. Upon termination or expiration of the respective Service, User shall have no rights to continue the use of this Service.

10.5 Notwithstanding the above provisions, Nodety may terminate contracts without notice in the following cases:

a. it is a free Service;

b. Nodety has notified the User of overuse, and the User does not discontinue the overuse within 14 days of receiving the notification (e.g. by upgrading to a higher-value Subscription).

10.6 The right to terminate the contract for good cause remains unaffected.

10.7 The User can cancel via the cancel button, the Account or in text form by email to

11. Warranty

11.1 Warranty of Functionality

Nodety warrants to Users during the Term of the respective Service that the Service will comply with the material functionality described and that such functionality will be maintained in all material respects in subsequent upgrades to the respective Service. Users sole and exclusive remedy for Nodety’s breach of this warranty shall be that Nodety shall use commercially reasonable efforts to correct such errors or modify the respective Service to achieve the material functionality described within a reasonable period of time. However, Nodety shall have no obligation with respect to this warranty claim unless notified of such claim within (30) days of the first material functionality problem. Further, Nodety shall have no obligation with respect to this warranty claim, and Users may not terminate the contract, where any alleged nonconformity is due to Users error as reasonably determined by the Parties after investigation and analysis by Nodety. Nodety does not warrant that the Services will be free of non-material errors, bugs, or minor interruption, or that all such errors will be corrected.

11.2 Data Maintenance and Backup Warranty

Nodety warrants during the Term of the respective Service, that Nodety will, at a minimum, utilize and maintain backup procedures. In the event of a breach of this provision, Nodety will use commercially reasonable efforts to correct Users Data or restore Users Data within three (3) business days (or as otherwise agreed in writing between the Parties depending upon the back-up options selected by Users).

11.3 Non-Infringement Warranty

Nodety warrants that Nodety is the sole owner of and or has full power and authority to grant the license and use of the respective Service and other rights granted by the GTC to Users with respect to the respective Service and that neither the performance by Users in its utilization of the respective Service, nor the license of and authorized use by Users of the respective Service as described herein, will in any way constitute an infringement or other violation of any U. S. copyright, trade secret, trademark, patent, invention, proprietary information, non-disclosure, or other rights of any third-party.

11.4Disclaimer of Warranties


12. Limitations of Liability

12.1No Consequential Damages






13. Telecommunication Connections

Nodety is not liable for the functioning of the telecommunication connection (telephone/ISDN/DSL lines, etc.) to its server in case of power failures, nor in case of failures of servers that are not under the control of Nodety. Furthermore, Nodety is not liable for damages caused by force majeure or comparable events. Comparable events are in particular strikes, official orders, pandemics, the failure of telecommunication networks or gateways of other operators as well as disturbances in the area of other telecommunication or service providers. Furthermore, Nodety is not liable for any content brought into the Services by the Users.

14. Indemnity

Users will indemnify, defend and hold harmless Nodety, its affiliates, successors, and assign, including the applicable officers, directors, employees, and agents thereof for damages, costs and attorneys’ fees Nodety incurs from any unaffiliated third-party claim arising from the Users Content or Users or any other end user’s usage of the Services.

15. Withdrawal

Right of Withdrawal

If Clients are consumers, they have a right of withdrawal with regard to the Packages. A "consumer" within the meaning of this withdrawal instruction is any natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that are predominantly neither commercial nor self-employed.

You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 3 days without giving any reason.

The withdrawal period will expire after 3 days from the day of the conclusion of the contract.

To exercise your right of withdrawal, you must inform us, Nodety GmbH, Leopoldstr. 175, 80804 Munich, Germany, e-mail address: of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g., a letter sent by post or e-mail). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory.

To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.

Consequences of Withdrawal

If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement.

If you requested to begin the performance of services during the withdrawal period, you shall pay us an amount which is in proportion to what has been provided until you have communicated us your withdrawal from this contract, in comparison with the full coverage of the contract.

Sample Withdrawal Form

(If you wish to cancel the contract, please complete this form and return it to us).


Nodety GmbH, Leopoldstr. 175, 80804 Munich, Germany, email:

I/we (*) hereby revoke the contract concluded by me/us (*) for the

Purchase of the following goods (*)/provision of the following Service (*)



Ordered on (*) ____________ / received on (*) _________________


Name of the consumer(s)


Address of the consumer(s)


Signature of the consumer(s) (only for notification on paper)



(*) Delete as appropriate.

16. Dispute Resolution

Users satisfaction is an important objective to Nodety in performing its obligations under this GTC. Except with respect to intellectual property rights, if a dispute arises between the Rarties relating to the interpretation or performance of this GTC or the grounds for the termination hereof, the Parties agree to hold a meeting within fifteen (15) days of written request by either Party, attended by individuals with decision-making authority, regarding the dispute, to attempt in good faith to negotiate a resolution of the dispute prior to pursuing other available remedies.

17. Reference Citation

Users grants Nodety the revocable right to name the Users as a reference customer in connection with the use of the Application and/or the Services, using the Users company logo and company name online, on the Users own website and in presentations and advertising materials. The revocation must be made in text form. The revocation does not invalidate the legality of the naming in the past. References on the Internet shall be removed from Nodety’s website within two weeks of revocation. In the case of print products that have already been printed at the time of revocation, the revocation shall only apply regarding a new edition.

18. Jurisdiction and General Terms

Any action related to this GTC will be governed by New York law and controlling U.S. federal law. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply. No choice of law rules of any jurisdiction will apply. Any disputes, actions, claims or causes of action arising out of or in connection with this GTC or the Package shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in New York, New York. This GTC represents the Parties’ entire understanding relating to the use of the Services and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous, conflicting or additional, communications. No text or information set forth on any purchase order form, preprinted form or document shall add to or vary the terms and conditions of this GTC. If any provision of this GTC is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, then such provision(s) shall be construed, as nearly as possible, to reflect the intentions of the invalid or unenforceable provision(s), with all other provisions remaining in full force and effect. No joint venture, partnership, employment, or agency relationship exists between Nodety and Users as a result of this GTC or use of the Services. The failure of Nodety to enforce any right or provision in this GTC shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision unless acknowledged and agreed to by Nodety in writing. Nodety reserves the right to assign its right to receive and collect payments hereunder. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by Nodety.

19. Amendment of these GTC

19.1 Nodety reserves the right to unilaterally amend these GTC if this appears objectively justified. Changes are objectively justified, for example, if the functions of the Services are expanded, if the legal or statutory situation changes (for example, if case law declares a clause to be invalid) or if unforeseeable changes that are not caused by Nodety and over which Nodety has no influence disrupt the equivalence relationship existing at the time the contract was concluded to a not insignificant extent. The prerequisite for a change is always that it is reasonable for the Users.

19.2 Users shall be notified of changes to these GTC. They shall be deemed approved if the User has not objected to the validity of the amended general terms and conditions in writing or by email to Nodety within six weeks and Nodety has pointed out the legal consequences of a failure to object.

B. Special Provisions: Nodety Application and Subscriptions

1. Object of the Application

1.1 Users can view the current functionality of the Application at . Nodety reserves the right to adapt and improve the functionality of the Application on an ongoing basis.

1.2 Nodety provides the Application either as a web app for use in the browser, as a mobile app for use on a mobile device and/or as a desktop app that can be downloaded and installed by the User on a suitable device.

1.3 The Application can only be used if there is a sufficiently dimensioned Internet connection. Users can view the necessary hardware and software environment at

1.4 Full use of the Application requires the booking of fee-based Packages in accordance with Section 2.

2. Booking a Package and other Subscriptions, User Authorization

2.1 Nodety offers Users the opportunity to test the Application as part of a free version with limited functionality. The registration requires the entry of an email address and the confirmation of these GTC. In this process, Nodety creates a User account for Users (hereinafter “Account”).

2.2 The use of further functionalities of the Application requires the booking of a package (hereinafter “Package”).

2.3 Users can also book additional Services as subscriptions within the Application under the Account (hereinafter Package and additional subscriptions “Subscriptions”).

2.4 The conclusion of a paid Subscription is carried out as follows:

a. The product descriptions provided in each case do not constitute binding offers but are intended for the submission of a binding offer by the User.

b. The User first selects a Subscription and their preferred payment method. The User enters their contact details, email address and the data required for the respective payment method. Before submitting the booking, the User can check all previously entered data again and, if necessary, correct it by entering different data or delete the data entered in the respective input field.

c. A booking is only possible if the User has agreed to the validity of these GTC. By submitting the booking, the User submits an offer to book a paid Subscription.

d. Nodety accepts the booking by sending a confirmation email to the User or by requesting payment. If Nodety does not accept the User’s offer within five (5) working days, this shall be deemed a rejection of the offer with the consequence that the User is no longer bound by their declaration of intent.

2.5 There is no entitlement to conduct a Subscription. Nodety reserves the right to refuse the booking of a Subscription without giving reasons.

2.6 Nodety shall send the User the contractual text of these GTC in text form (e.g. by email).

3. Up- and Downgrades

3.1 It is possible to upgrade a Subscription to a higher-value one at any time. In the event of an upgrade, the current term of the Subscription will be used for the upgrade. Payment for the higher-value Subscription is pro rata in relation to the remaining contract term.

3.2 Downgrading to a lower Subscription is only possible at the start of the next Subscription term. If the User downgrades at an earlier date, the downgrade will only begin at the start of the next term.

4. Prices and Terms of Payment

4.1 The prices are displayed to the User when booking the respective Subscription.

4.2 Payment of the Subscription is made in advance for the respective booked term.

5. Rights and granting of rights to the application and its further development as well as the projects, rights to third-party content

5.1 Nodety is the sole owner of all rights to the Application. Nodety grants the User non-exclusive rights of use to the Application during the term of the contract in accordance with the provisions of these GTC.

5.2 Nodety is entitled to use anonymous User data to train the Application and to improve the Services.

5.3 The user is entitled to use the projects created within the framework of the application within the scope of the license specified in the booked package in accordance with sections C.3-C.7. The user is prohibited from any use beyond the respective license.

5.4 If and to the extent that additional software property rights or rights of use to the Application or to any further developments arise during the term of the contract because of the User’s content or use, Nodety shall be exclusively entitled to these, together with all property rights. This also applies to software code or software property rights created by Nodety’s self-learning algorithms. These are hereby assigned or transferred by the User to Nodety in advance without restriction in terms of content, time and territory, insofar as they arise for the User. Nodety hereby accepts the assignment/transfer.

5.5 Third-party content is available to the user within the application for use in the context of the user's projects. This third-party content is licensed to the user under the respective license conditions specified. The user is obliged to comply with the license conditions.

6. Obligations of the User

6.1 Before using the Application, the User shall thoroughly test it for freedom from defects and for usability in the existing hardware and software configuration, in particular with regard to the use of the data generated by the Application for use in external machines. This also applies to the Application that is made available to the User for use within the scope of the warranty.

6.2 When using the Application in the production sector, particularly when generating data by the Application for use in external machines (in particular in the textile sector for knitting, embroidery and printing) (hereinafter “Production”),the User is obliged to carry out a test on the machines carrying out the Production with the specifications planned for Production before each Production. After changes to specifications or use on other machines, the User must go through the test process again and carry out a new test. Testing must be carried out in the mode of the machine intended for manual testing with maximum safety. It may be necessary to carry out several tests to slowly bring machine parameters, such as the execution speed, closer to the production situation. Tests must be carried out by experienced machine operators or machine operators trained for testing and monitored continuously. The User is only authorized to use the Application in production if the testing has been successfully completed and no errors or defects have occurred. If errors or defects occur during testing or if it is apparent to a reasonable and careful User that errors or defects will occur, testing must be stopped immediately. A new test may only be carried out after the User has consulted Nodety. The User shall monitor and check the production with the necessary care.

6.3 The User observes the instructions provided by Nodety for the configuration and operation of the Application.

6.4 The User shall bear all costs incurred by Nodety due to the fulfillment of the obligations to cooperate as well as additional costs incurred by Nodety due to the (partial) non-fulfillment of the obligations to cooperate.

7. Term and Termination

7.1 Booked Subscriptions have the duration specified in the product description.

7.2 A booked subscription shall be automatically extended by the initially booked term if the subscription is not terminated by the User or by Nodety with 14 days’ notice to the end of the respective term.

8. Settlement After Termination

Users acknowledge and agree that following termination, Users shall return any and all Nodety materials and property to Nodety and Nodety may immediately deactivate Users Accounts. Furthermore, unless otherwise agreed-upon by the Parties in writing, Nodety shall remove or overwrite all applicable content from Nodety’s systems following the effective date of termination or cancellation, in accordance with Nodety’s standard procedures. Prior to any such deletion or destruction, however, Nodety shall either (1) grant User reasonable access to the Application for the sole purpose of Users retrieving their Data or (2) transfer all User Data to other media for delivery to Users. Users agree that Nodety shall not be liable to Users or to any third-party for any termination of Users access to the Application or deletion of Users Data, provided that Nodety is in compliance with the terms of this GTC.

9. Warranty

9.1 Nodety warrants during the statutory warranty period that the functionality of the Application essentially corresponds to the specification of the Application.

9.2 Nodety does not warrant that the Application will meet the User’s requirements. Nodety does not warrant the technical details or the suitability of the Application for a particular purpose, unless otherwise specified in the Application Specification. Specifications set forth in the Application Specification or other documentation do not constitute warranties unless expressly stated as such.

9.3 In the event of a warranty claim, Nodety shall, at its own discretion, remedy defects in the Application by correcting errors, procuring replacements, updates or releases of a new version of the Application.

9.4 The User is not entitled to any warranty claims,

a. if the User does not use the Application as intended or misuses it, or

b. if the User modifies or alters the Application without Nodety’s prior written consent, or

c. if problems or errors are due to the Application being used with programs or in conjunction with machines that are not compatible with the Application,

unless the User can prove that the defect is attributable to the Application.

9.5 If the User is entitled to compensation for damages or reimbursement of futile expenses based on the warranty, this is subject to the limitation of liability in the following Section A.10.

10. Limitations of Liability

10.1 Nodety shall not be liable for any damage arising during a production,

a. if and insofar as the User has not or not completely fulfilled their obligations to cooperate in accordance with these GTC,

b. for wear and tear on the machines used for production,

c. that arise during testing,

d. due to faulty or inadequate adjustment, configuration, maintenance and care of the machines used,

unless the User proves that the damage is attributable to the Application and would have occurred even if the User had fully complied with their obligations to cooperate and used proper machinery.

10.2 Sections A.11.1 and A.11.3 of these GTC remain unaffected.

C. Special Provisions for Nodety Assets

1. Subject of Nodety Assets

1.1 Nodety provides the Asset App Marketplace “Nodety Assets” (hereinafter “ Nodety Marketplace”) for Users who offer their own Asset Apps generated via the Application (hereinafter “Asset Apps”) for licensing for a fee or free of charge (hereinafter “Designer”).Users can license the Asset Apps via the Nodety Marketplace in accordance with these Special Provisions for Nodety Assets.

1.2 Designers have the option of offering other Users the licensing of Asset Apps and the content that can be generated from the Asset Apps (hereinafter “Asset Artifacts”), e.g. images, videos, knitting files, embroidery files, print data, on the Nodety Marketplace. In this case, Nodety merely acts as an intermediary between the User and the Designer. Nodety therefore does not become a party to the contract for the licensing of the Asset Apps; instead, the contract for the licensing of the Asset Apps (hereinafter “License Agreement”) is concluded directly between the User and the Designer. Users and Designers therefore have no claim against Nodety for the conclusion of a License Agreement. Nodety is also not involved in the execution of the License Agreement itself.

1.3 Nodety also offers Asset Apps and Asset Artifacts for licensing on the Nodety Marketplace. These Asset Apps are marked separately as originating from Nodety. In this case, the license agreement is concluded directly between the User and Nodety.

1.4 Nodety checks the Asset Apps offered by the Designer regarding sufficient quality, individuality and level of creation. No further checks are carried out. Nodety does not check any existing third-party rights to the Asset Apps.

2. Licensing of Asset Apps

2.1 The conclusion of a License Agreement requires the User to log in to their Account and is carried out as follows:

a. The User selects an Asset App and a license type . The Asset Apps are licensed based on one of the following licenses:

· Private License according to Section 4

· Standard License according to Section 5

· Extended License according to Section 6

b. The User is redirected to the payment provider and enters the data requested in the order process. Before submitting their order, the User can check all the data previously entered by the User once again and, if necessary, correct it by entering different data or delete the data entered in the respective input field.

c. The User confirms their order by clicking on the “Pay” button.

d. Nodety will send the User an order confirmation by email.

e. The License Agreement is concluded with successful payment in the case of direct payment methods and otherwise with the sending of the order confirmation.

3. Rights of use to the Asset Apps

By concluding a License Agreement, the User is granted the right to use and edit the relevant Asset App within the Application, under their Account, within the scope of the Application’s functionalities. The User is not permitted to use the Asset App outside the Application or in third-party services. The User’s rights to use the Asset Artifacts generated by the Asset App are based on the license acquired in accordance with the following Sections 4 to 6.

4. Private License

4.1 Under a Private License, the User is granted a simple, perpetual, non-sublicensable and non-transferable right to use the Asset Artifacts for purely private use. The User is not permitted to use the Asset Artifacts commercially or commercially under a Private License, whereby Commercial Use means any use,

a. which involves an exchange of Asset Artifacts for money or other consideration,

b. which a company, regardless of its size or legal form (e.g. sole proprietor, merchant, corporation or partnership), advertises a product or service or

c. where a financial gain or other consideration is either sought by the User or results directly or indirectly from the use of the Asset Artifacts

(hereinafter referred to as “Commercial Use”).

4.2 The use of Asset Artifacts under a Private License must be made with the Designer and Nodety firmly added as the source, in the following form:

“Name of the Designer/”

The size, color and placement of the source citation must be chosen in such a way that the source citation is clearly and easily legible and recognizable to the naked eye. The source citation must be placed directly next to or on the Asset Artifact.

4.3 The User is not entitled to use the Asset Artifacts within the scope of the Private License.

a. in the type and scope of a Standard License or Extended License;

b. in the context of Commercial Use or for commercial purposes, including as a reference, in advertising, merchandising or editorial contexts.

5. Standard License

5.1 Within the framework of a Standard License, the User is granted a simple, perpetual, sublicensable, non-transferable right to use the Asset Artifacts for private and commercial purposes, limited to the country of their place of residence (consumer) / registered office (company) specified in the booking pursuant to Section B.2, in accordance with the following provisions. The user is entitled to use the asset artifacts privately and commercially in accordance with the following provisions:

a. as digital reproduction, in particular on websites, in online advertising, social networks, mobile advertising, mobile apps, software, electronic postcards, electronic publications (e-books, e-magazines, blogs, etc.), in email marketing and in online media (including video sharing services such as YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, etc., subject to the restriction that the total number of views per asset artifact, regardless of the type of digital reproduction, does not exceed 500,000. For the avoidance of doubt, the parties note that the digital reproduction of a commercial item (as defined in point b.) on social networks is not subject to the above restriction if and as long as the asset artifact in question is merely a part of the commercial item and not an integral part of the digital reproduction.

b. integrated into commercial items intended for sale or distribution for promotional purposes (hereinafter “Commercial Items”), including, but not limited to, textiles, artwork, magnets, posters, calendars, toys, stationery, greeting cards and any other tangible reproductions intended for resale or distribution, provided that the Commercial Items in question contain other creative material or functional elements in addition to the Asset Artifact in question, up to a total of 5,000 Commercial Items per Asset Artifact.

c. as a material imprint in the context of product packaging and labeling, letterhead or business cards, advertising at points of sale, billboards, the design of CD or DVD covers or in the context of advertising for print media or their editorial content, including magazines, newspapers and books, provided that the individual Asset Artifact does not appear in a circulation of more than 5,000 copies in total.

d. as part of an “out-of-home” advertising campaign, including on billboards, street furniture, etc., provided the total target audience is less than 5,000 persons.

e. as part of films, videos, television series, advertising or other audiovisual productions for distribution via any medium known today or developed in the future, with the restriction that the target audience for such a production is less than 500,000 persons.

f. in a multimedia production displayed or distributed via the internet on social media using apps, or as otherwise distributed in accordance with these provisions, provided that the audience for such production is less than 500,000 persons.

g. in conjunction with a live performance, provided that the audience for all performances is less than 500,000 persons in total.

6. Extended License

6.1 Within the scope of an Extended License, the User is granted a simple, sublicensable and transferable right to use the Asset Artifacts for private and commercial purposes, which is unlimited in time and geographically restricted to the country of his place of residence (consumer)/registered office (entrepreneur) specified in the booking in accordance with Section B.2 and two (2) other countries to be specified (selection remains unchanged for the entire term of the contract), in accordance with the rights of a Standard License and, in addition, in accordance with the following provisions:

a. as digital reproduction, in particular on websites, in online advertising, social networks, mobile advertising, mobile apps, software, electronic postcards, electronic publications (e-books, e-magazines, blogs, etc.), in email marketing and in online media online media (including video sharing services such as YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, etc., with the restriction that the total number views per asset artifact, regardless of the type of digital reproduction, may not exceed reproduction does not exceed 1,000,000. The parties clarify that the digital reproduction of a trade item in social networks is not subject to the above restriction if and as long as the asset artifact in question is only a part of the trade item and not an integral part of the digital reproduction.

b. integrated into merchandise intended for sale or distribution for promotional purposes commercial items, including but not limited to textiles, artistic representations, magnets, posters, calendars, toys, stationery, greeting cards and any other tangible reproductions reproductions intended for resale or distribution, provided that the merchandise in question contains other creative creative material or functional elements in addition to the asset artifact in question up to a total of 15,000 merchandise items per asset artifact. per asset artifact.

c. as a material imprint in the context of product packaging and labeling labeling, a letterhead or business cards, advertising at points of sale, billboards advertising at points of sale, billboards, the design of CD or DVD covers or in the context of advertising for print media or their editorial content content including magazines, newspapers and books, provided that the individual asset artifact does not appear in a circulation of more than a total of 15,000 copies in total.

d. as part of an "out-of-home" advertising campaign, including on billboards, street furniture, etc., provided that the total target group is less than 15,000 people.

e. as part of films, videos, television series, advertising or other audiovisual audiovisual productions for distribution via any medium already known today known today or developed in the future, with the restriction that the target audience for such a production is less than 1,000,000 persons is included.

f. in a multimedia production that is displayed or distributed via the displayed or distributed via social media using Apps, or as otherwise distributed in accordance with these Terms of Use distributed, provided that the target audience for such production is production is less than 1,000,000 persons.

g. in connection with a live performance, provided that the total audience for all performances is less than 1,000,000 persons in total.

h. in wall decorations not intended for sale (without the need for further creative or functional elements) with a creative function in the business premises of the user or his customers.

i. as part of digital originals intended for sale or other distribution for resale for up to 1,000 licenses to such digital originals.

j. in a multimedia production displayed or distributed via the Internet multimedia production, on social networks, using apps, including apps, including distribution via broadcast, cable network, OTT video services or in theaters/cinemas, provided that the target audience for such a production is less than 1,000,000 people comprises.

7. Prohibited Use

7.1 The User is not permitted to use the Asset Artifacts beyond the types and scope of use granted in the respective license.

7.2 The User is not permitted to

a. depict or represent any person depicted in the Asset Apps and Asset Artifacts (hereinafter “Model”) in a manner that could be considered offensive or objectionable to a reasonable person, including, without limitation, depicting a Model (i) in connection with pornography, adult entertainment events, escort services, dating services or the like; (ii) in connection with advertising or promotion of tobacco products; (iii) in a political context such as promoting or endorsing political parties, candidates or elected office holders, and in connection with political programs or opinions; (iv) as suffering from a physical or mental illness or as a recipient of drug treatment; or (v) in immoral or criminal acts;

b. use Asset Apps and Asset Artifacts in a pornographic, racist, dehumanizing, defamatory or misleading context or in a manner that is or may be considered offensive, obscene or illegal;

c. use Asset Apps and Asset Artifacts in connection with incitement to violence, spreading hatred and agitation, bullying, threats and similar activities;

d. resell, redistribute, share or transfer Asset Apps and Asset Artifacts separately;

e. use Asset Apps and Asset Artifacts in a way that infringes third-party trademark rights or other intellectual property rights or could give rise to a claim for misleading advertising and unfair competition;

f. use Asset Apps and Asset Artifacts (in whole or in part) as a trademark, brand, design, design patent, logo, trade name, business name or other type of indication of origin or as part of such;

g. falsely imply, either expressly or by reasonable inference, that an Asset App or Asset Artifact was created by the User or another person who does not own the copyright to that Asset App or Asset Artifact;

h. remove copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices from Asset Apps and Asset Artifacts;

i. use Asset Apps and Asset Artifacts in any way that competes with Nodety’s business, including but not limited to displaying Asset Apps and Asset Artifacts in any format (including thumbnails) for download or export on a website or offering Asset Apps and Asset Artifacts for sale or license;

j. to the extent that source code is contained in the Asset Apps, to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble parts of this source code;

k. use or display Asset Apps and Asset Artifacts in an electronic format that allows Asset Apps to be downloaded, exported or distributed via mobile devices or shared in a peer-to-peer or similar file sharing arrangement;

l. use Asset Apps and Asset Artifacts for machine learning and/or artificial intelligence purposes or for technologies designed or intended for the identification of natural persons.

8. Prices and Terms of Payment

8.1 For the licensing of an Asset App, the User must pay the fee shown during the order process.

8.2 User payments to the Designer are processed by a licensed payment service provider.

9. Limitation of Liability

9.1 Nodety accepts no liability for the completeness or suitability of the content of the Asset Apps in relation to the design and implementation of Users’ own projects.

9.2 Nodety assumes no liability that the Designer has complied with all legal requirements when creating the Asset Apps; in particular, Nodety assumes no liability for third-party rights to the Asset Apps.

9.3 Sections A.11.1 and A.11.3 of these GTC remain unaffected.

10. Complaints, Processing in the Event of Service Disruption

10.1 Nodety is entitled, but not obliged, to forward User complaints in connection with the Asset Apps to the Designer concerned. Nodety is also entitled to refer the User directly to the Designer as the contractual partner in the event of complaints by the User in connection with the Asset Apps.

10.2 Nodety is not obliged to settle claims for damages between the User and the Designer.

D. Special Provisions for the Offering of Asset Apps on the Nodety Marketplace

1. Subject of the Nodety Marketplace

1.1 Nodety offers the Designer the opportunity to offer specially created Asset Apps on the Nodety Marketplace for licensing by selecting one of the licenses offered for a fee in accordance with the provisions of these provisions.

1.2 The Designer grants Nodety the necessary rights to place the Asset Apps on the Nodety Marketplace and to process License Agreements.

1.3 Nodety shall handle the License Agreement for the Designer. Nodety shall receive a commission for brokering each License Agreement between Designer and User in accordance with Section 5.1.

2. Requirements for Offering Asset Apps, Registration as a Designer, Conclusion of Contract

2.1 The offering of Asset Apps on the Nodety Marketplace requires the opening of an Account in the Application in accordance with SectionB.2 and registration as a Designer.

2.2 Registration as a Designer is only possible using the registration form provided within the Application. The Designer must fill in the registration form with their contact and payment details. After submitting the registration form, the Designer will receive a confirmation email from Nodety, whereby a contract is concluded between the Designer and Nodety for the use of the Nodety Marketplace as a Designer (hereinafter “User Agreement”).

2.3 The conclusion of a User Agreement is only permitted to Designers who are entrepreneurs.

2.4 There is no entitlement to the conclusion of a contract of use. Nodety reserves the right to refuse the conclusion of a contract of use without giving reasons.

3. Offering the Asset Apps, Obligations of the Designer, Exclusivity

3.1 The Designer is entitled to submit specially created Asset Apps to Nodety to check their suitability for licensing via the Nodety Marketplace. Nodety will then check the Asset App regarding sufficient quality, individuality and level of creation.

3.2 If Nodety approves the Asset App after a successful review, Nodety will place the Asset App on the Nodety Marketplace for licensing. The Designer has no right to have their Asset App placed on the Nodety Marketplace. Nodety reserves the right to refuse to place Asset Apps on the Nodety Marketplace without giving reasons. The way in which Asset Apps are displayed, sorted and presented on the Nodety Marketplace is the sole responsibility of Nodety.

3.3 The Designer undertakes to offer the Asset Apps offered by the Designer on the Nodety Marketplace solely (exclusively) on the Nodety Marketplace and not to make the Asset App available, publish, make publicly accessible, display, distribute, sell, lend or have these actions carried out by a third-party outside the Nodety Marketplace.

3.4 The Designer is free to determine the level of remuneration for the Asset Apps they offer. The Designer may set different fees per license type. The Designer is obliged to keep the Asset Apps and remuneration offered up to date and to adjust them immediately in the event of changes.

3.5 Nodety is authorized immediately remove Asset Apps from the Nodety Marketplace

a. which do not or no longer meet the examination requirements,

b. that do not or no longer meet Nodety’s quality or aesthetic requirements,

c. that violate these provisions or the rights of third-parties

Nodety will immediately inform the Designer of the measures taken.

4. Granting of Rights to the Asset Apps and Exemption from Liability

4.1 The Designer grants Nodety a non-exclusive right of use to the Asset Apps submitted by the Designer for review to provide the contractual services, unlimited in terms of place and content, sublicensable and transferable, limited in time to the duration of the User Agreement. Nodety is entitled to technically edit, prepare and adapt the Asset Apps so that they can also be displayed and licensed to Users in other formats and on mobile devices. Nodety is also entitled to use the Asset Apps to train the Application on an ongoing basis with the aim of developing it further.

4.2 By concluding a License Agreement, the Designer grants the User the necessary rights to the Asset Apps submitted by the Designer for review in accordance with the type of license acquired by the User.

4.3 The Designer guarantees that the Designer is the owner of the rights granted and that it is possible for the Designer to effectively grant the rights mentioned in the above paragraphs. The Designer also guarantees that the Asset Apps do not infringe any third-party rights, in particular trademark, competition, copyright, property or personal rights.

4.4 Upon first request, the Designer shall indemnify Nodety against all third-party claims, in particular claims for trademark, copyright and personal rights violations, which should be asserted against Nodety in connection with the Asset Apps provided by the Designer. The Designer is also obliged to defend against unfounded claims by third-parties regarding the Asset Apps provided. The Designer must inform Nodety immediately of any third-party claims of which they become aware. Nodety is entitled to take appropriate measures itself to defend against third-party claims or to pursue its own rights. The indemnification also includes reimbursement of the costs that Nodety incurs or has incurred as a result of legal prosecution/defense. This shall not affect Nodety’s further claims for damages. If Nodety itself is responsible for the infringement, claims against the Designer are excluded.

5. Prices and Terms of Payment

5.1 Nodety does not charge a fee for the registration and placement of Asset Apps on the Nodety Marketplace. For services in connection with the mediation of license agreements between Designer and User, Nodety charges the Designer a commission on the remuneration of the License Agreement, the amount of which is shown to the Designer when an Asset App is submitted for review (hereinafter “Nodety Fee”).

5.2 The Designer’s claim to remuneration arises upon conclusion of the License Agreement brokered on the Nodety Marketplace and is due for payment on the 10th of the month following the conclusion of the agreement.

5.3 Nodety’s claim to the Nodety Fee arises upon conclusion of a License Agreement brokered via the Nodety Marketplace and is due for payment immediately.

5.4 Rescission or other termination of the License Agreement for reasons for which the Designer is responsible shall not affect Nodety’s claim to payment of the Nodety Fee.

5.5 User payments to the Designer are processed by a licensed payment service provider on the basis of a separate payment service contract.

5.6 Insofar as the licensing of Asset Apps leads to income for the Designer that is subject to taxation, the Designer is obliged to ensure that the income is properly taxed.

5.7 The payment provider is entitled to refuse payment of the remuneration to the Designer in order to protect the interests of the User and the Designer if and to the extent that

a. the User or the Designer has reported a conflict (e.g. in the event of disputes in connection with the Asset Apps or rights to the Asset Apps) or

b. there are reasonable indications to Nodety that the License Agreement between the Designer and the User was only a sham or an abuse of rights.

The payment will be released once the dispute has been resolved, but at the latest after six (6) months.

6. Term and Termination

The User Agreement has an unlimited term. The User Agreement can be terminated by either Party with three months’ notice to the end of the month.

7. Complaints, Processing in the Event of Service Disruption

7.1 Nodety is entitled but not obliged to forward User complaints in connection with the Asset Apps to the Designer as a messenger. Nodety is also entitled to refer the User directly to the Designer as the contractual partner in the event of complaints by the User in connection with the Asset Apps.

7.2 Any legal consequences resulting from poor performance or defective performance by the Designer shall be governed by the statutory provisions. In the event of a rescission of the contract or the assertion of warranty claims, the Designer shall carry out the rescission or fulfillment of the warranty claims.

E. Special Provisions: Nodety API Service

1. Subject of the API Service

1.1 Nodety provides a service via which Users can automatically convert content into agreed file formats via the Application and retrieve it via an interface (“API”) (hereinafter “API Service”).

2. Requirements for the use of the API Service, Conclusion of Contract

2.1 The use of the API Service requires the opening of an Account in the Application in accordance with Section B.2and the conclusion of a Service Contract.

2.2 Registration for the API Service is only possible after prior consultation with Nodety using the booking form provided within the Application. For this purpose, the User must fill in the booking form with their contact and payment details. After submitting the booking form, the User receives a confirmation email from Nodety, whereby a contract for the use of the API Service is concluded between the User and Nodety (hereinafter “Service Contract”).

2.3 Nodety provides the User with the necessary API key or token for the call after conclusion of the Service Contract.

2.4 The conclusion of a Service Contract and the use of the API Service is only permitted to Users who are entrepreneurs.

2.5 There is no entitlement to the conclusion of a Service Contract. Nodety reserves the right to refuse the conclusion of a Service Contract without giving reasons.

3. Functionality of the API Service, Limitation of Liability

3.1 The provision of data via the API Service is based on the conversion of the content provided by the User using artificial intelligence (AI). The AI can recognize and convert the most common forms, formats and graphic contexts. The more training data has already been incorporated into the training of the AI, the higher the probability that content can be correctly recognized and converted. The more often a certain combination of shapes, formats and graphic contexts (so-called patterns) or adjacent or related patterns have been trained, the more reliable the conversion will be.

3.2 If a pattern occurs rarely and/or is not sufficiently known to the algorithm, it is possible that the pattern is not recognized and assigned by the AI with sufficient certainty, so that the conversion is incorrect or defective. It is therefore possible that content that is easy for a natural person to convert manually is not converted correctly by the AI and, conversely, content that is difficult for a natural person to convert manually can be converted by the AI with ease.

3.3 User feedback on the quality and corruption of the data provided via the API Service is therefore essential for training the AI.

3.4 Due to the operation of the API Service described in the above paragraphs, the User is obliged to check the data provided via the API Service immediately, in particular before using the data for customers or in the context of products.

3.5 Nodety assumes no liability for the use of the data provided via the API Service; in particular, Nodety shall not be liable to the User’s customers and end customers regarding the data provided via the API Service or the products generated by the User. Clauses A.11.1 and A.11.3 of these provisions remain unaffected.

4. Granting of Rights and Indemnification

4.1 The User grants Nodety a non-exclusive right of use, unlimited in terms of place and content, limited in time to the duration of the Service Contract, to the files, images, photos, videos, materials and code (hereinafter “Content”) transmitted by the User for conversion or processing in order to provide the contractual services. Nodety is entitled to edit, prepare and adapt the Content technically so that it can also be displayed in other formats and made available to the User via the API.

4.2 The User guarantees that they are the owner of the rights granted and that they are able to exercise the rights described in Section 4.1 effectively. The User also guarantees that the Content does not infringe any third-party rights, in particular trademark, competition, copyright, property or personal rights.

4.3 Upon first request, the User shall indemnify Nodety against all third-party claims, in particular claims due to trademark, copyright and personal rights violations, which should be asserted against Nodety in connection with the Content provided by the User. The User is also obliged to defend against unfounded third-party claims regarding the Content provided. The User must inform Nodety immediately of any third-party claims of which they become aware. Nodety is entitled to take suitable measures to defend against third-party claims or to pursue its own rights. The indemnification also includes the reimbursement of costs that Nodety incurs or has incurred because of legal prosecution/defense. This shall not affect Nodety’s further claims for damages. If Nodety itself is responsible for the infringement, claims against the User are excluded.

5. Test Data

5.1 If the Parties set up a test operation before the API Service goes live, the User is obliged to submit feedback regarding the quality of the files provided via the API Service using the feedback tool provided by Nodety.

5.2 The data provided via the API Service in test mode may only be used for quality control purposes. The User is not granted any further rights of use to the transmitted data. In particular, the User is prohibited from commercially using or otherwise exploiting the data provided via the test mode.

6. Prices and Terms of Payment

6.1 The use of the API Service is subject to a fee and is billed on a pay-per-use basis, whereby one (1) “use” means the provision of one (1) converted or contractually processed content in the form of one (1) file via the API to the output of the data center used by Nodety. The amount of the fee is shown to the User when the Service contract is concluded.

6.2 The User shall pay Nodety the remuneration specified upon conclusion of the Service contract. The remuneration shall be invoiced in the calendar month following the use of the API Service.

7. Obligations of the User

7.1 The User will provide the information required to connect to the Nodety API Service without being asked.

7.2 The User shall properly connect the API to their own hardware and software systems and observe the information provided by Nodety.

7.3 The User shall provide the content in sufficient quality and in a standard digital format, agreed at the time ot the conclusion of the Service Agreement.

7.4 The User will carefully check the quality and design of files transmitted via the API Service.

7.5 The User is obliged to participate in the quality control and improvement of the API Service. To this end, the User shall submit feedback on the quality of the files provided via the API Service using the feedback tool provided by Nodety. The User is advised that failure to cooperate will mean that the API Service cannot be trained and that the quality will not develop as well as possible.

8. Term and Termination

The contract of use has an unlimited term. The contract of use can be terminated by either Party with three months’ notice to the end of the month.

F. Special Provisions: Contingents

1. Subject of the Contingents

1.1 Nodety offers additional Services as part of the Application within the framework of fixed, chargeable contingents.

1.2 A contingent can consist of one-off services, such as support during onboarding, a one-off Unlimited License and training in accordance with section 3 or a fixed number of services, such as minute quotas for cloud-based rendering.

2. Booking a Contingent

2.1 The booking of contingents requires the User to log in to their Account and is carried out as follows:

a. The product descriptions provided in each case do not constitute binding offers, but are intended for the submission of a binding offer by the User.

b. The User is redirected to the payment provider and enters the data requested in the order process. Before submitting the order, the User can check all the data previously entered by the User and, if necessary, correct the data by entering different data or delete the data entered in the respective input field.

c. A booking is only possible if the User has agreed to the validity of these GTC. By submitting the booking, the User submits an offer to book a chargeable contingent.

d. Nodety accepts the booking by sending a confirmation email to the User or by requesting payment, thereby booking a paid contingent based on these provisions. If Nodety does not accept the User’s offer within five (5) working days, this shall be deemed a rejection of the offer with the consequence that the User is no longer bound by their declaration of intent.

2.2 There is no entitlement to the conclusion of a contingent. Nodety reserves the right to refuse the booking of a contingent without giving reasons.

2.3 Nodety shall send the User the contractual text of these GTC in text form (e.g. by email).

3. Trainings

3.1 Notwithstanding Section 2, training courses may only be booked by prior arrangement with Nodety using the booking form provided within the application. For this purpose, the User must complete the booking form with his/her contact and payment details. After submitting the booking form, the User shall receive a confirmation email from Nodety, whereby a contract is concluded between the User and Nodety for the provision of training.

3.2 Training courses are provided on the basis of a service contract within the meaning of §§ 611 ff. BGB (German Civil Code).

3.3 The scope and content of the training shall be based on the agreements between the parties and is specified in the booking form. Training shall be provided exclusively remotely via video call.

3.4 Nodety is free to choose the persons that Nodety uses to conduct the training. Nodety is also entitled to use subcontractors to carry out the training. If the behavior or qualifications of the persons deployed by Nodety do not meet the contractually agreed requirements, the User shall inform Nodety of this immediately. Nodety shall immediately take appropriate measures, which may also consist of replacing the person concerned. The persons deployed by Nodety shall not enter into an employment relationship with the User and shall not be subject to the User's authority to issue instructions.

3.5 The parties shall mutually agree on the dates for conducting the training sessions. If there are comprehensible reasons on the part of the user or Nodety (such as illness, force majeure or similar circumstances) that make it impossible to conduct the training sessions within the agreed period or that mean that the training sessions can only be conducted with disproportionate effort, the parties shall agree on a suitable alternative period (hereinafter "alternative date") for conducting the training sessions.

3.6 If the trainings cannot be carried out in the agreed period within the meaning of Section 3.4, Nodety shall have the right to propose an alternative date. Nodety must inform the user of at least two (2) alternative dates. If the User does not select one of these alternative dates without a comprehensible reason, the User's entitlement to training shall lapse. In this case, the User shall be obliged to pay the remuneration for the training courses to Nodety as compensation, unless the User can prove that the damage incurred was lower.

3.7 Booked trainings that the User has not redeemed within one (1) year of the conclusion of the contract shall expire. In this case, the User shall pay Nodety the remuneration for the training courses as compensation, unless the User can prove that a lower loss has occurred

3.8 Upon payment of the full remuneration for the relevant training courses, Nodety shall grant the User the non-exclusive right to use the service results created by Nodety individually for the User (e.g. individually created training documents and presentations) for internal purposes for an unlimited period of time.

4. Validity

4.1 Contingents are valid for the period stated in the Service description.

4.2 Unless otherwise stated in the Service description, unused units of a contingent expire at the end of the specified validity period. It is not possible to transfer units of a contingent to the following period of validity.

5. Prices and Terms of Payment

5.1 The prices are displayed to the User when booking the respective contingent.

5.2 The contingent is paid in advance.

July 5, 2024